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Southeastern Cardinals
profile last updated: 2/6/2019
Sports Offered:
Homeschool BasketballHomeschool SoccerHomeschool BaseballHomeschool VolleyballHomeschool TennisHomeschool Cross CountryHomeschool GolfHomeschool Fencing

Contact and Profile Information:

   Kelli Strickland

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Southeastern Cardinals boys swim team placed 2nd in the state championship swim meet. The girls placed 3rd. Nine of our swimmers medaled including relays #ECBuzz.

Senior night for Southeastern Cardinals in Wilmington, NC #ECBuzz.

Wilmington's Southeastern Cardinals Varsity boys capture Southeastern NC Pre-season Tournament. Southeastern Cardinals - 77, Chatham Thunder - 59 | Southeastern Cardinals - 72, Cabarrus Stallions - 64 | Southeastern Cardinals - 80, Lighthouse Eagles - 77

NORTH CAROLINA: Southeastern Cardinals #ECBuzz Tournament at Wilmington Christian Academy

Southeastern Homeschool Cardinals Volleyball are the JV 2017 North Carolina Homeschool State Champions

North Carolina Clash Southeastern Cardinals vs New Life Camp (courtesy Daryl Strickland) /a>

North Carolina Volleyb all JV Southeastern Cardinals vs New Life Camp (courtesy Daryl Strickland)


Southeastern Homeschool Cardinals

Soccer Team Photo (FB Post)

2014 Volleyball team.

2014 Varsity Boys Soccer.

Cardinals MS Tennis Team

Cardinals Soccer Team

Cardinals Baseball Team

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