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West Michigan Heat Soccer Club
profile last updated: 9/14/2020
Sports Offered:
Homeschool Soccer
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Michigan - Byron Center, MI West Michigan Heat Soccer Club:Junior High and High School (Varsity and Junior Varsity) Soccer club serving homeschool boys of junior high and high school age. (by Jen Jones)

West Michigan Heat Soccer Club Over the weekend, the HEAT won the Michigan Cup tournament to become state champs for the third year in a row. A three-peat! On Friday, the Heat played the C.H.A.S.E. Conquerors beating them 3-0. Saturday found the Heat fighting hard for a 2-0 defeat of the Summit Soccer Club in the morning and then a 2-1 victory over the HAACH Cougars in the championship game. Goals in the championship game were scored by Noah Brumels (assisted by David Burger) and Eli Bailey (assisted by Noah Brumels). Way to go, Heat!

West Michigan Heat Soccer Club 2018 Michigan State Cup Champions

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