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profile last updated: 3/23/2019
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Homeschool BasketballHomeschool VolleyballHomeschool Cross Country
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Varsity and JV Boys teams

Shreveport Force Track and Field teams had a fantastic week of competition! Our middle schoolers competed at Bishop Gorman in Tyler on Tuesday and brought home 11 medals! Our high school team competed at a public school in Harleton, Tx and racked up 10 medals. Our boys got a 3rd place finish out of 9 teams in the JV division by scoring 60 points- which is phenomenal for a small team

Shreveport Force (LA) JV are Bayou Classic Champions

LOUISIANA: Shreveport FORCE Members of the Force Cross Country team competed at LeTourneau University this morning. They had 3 top 15 finishes!

Shreveport Force Cross Country (LA) All four of their runners medaled in their races today on a super hilly course at the Grace Community School meet in Tyler

Shreveport Force Cross Country team competed in their first meet including a couple of top 10 finishes

Shreveport Force Track Scored points in 13 events and brought home 6 gold medals


Shreveport FORCE

some of the track and field team representing at the ACEL State Meet.

Shreveport FORCE (FB Post)

also see Basketball...

Shreveport FORCE

Volleyball team photo. (FB Post) also see Volleyball...

first week of conditioning. (from FB Post)

also see Basketball...

Track team at Lakeside meet in Sibley.

Varsity boys basketball team.

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