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JAHE Patriots
profile last updated: 5/2/2024
Sports Offered:
Homeschool BasketballHomeschool Volleyball
Contact and Profile Information:

   Bill Walsh
   517-879 4639

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JAHE Patriots:

Patriots:Homeschool Teams
Boy's Basketball Elementary - Var.

Girl's Volleyball
Jr. High - Varsity

To support Christian home schooling parents, and their children who desire an opportunity for their children to participate in organized, and progressively competitive sports.

To provide an opportunity for young men and women to be a public testimony of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in their personal lives and as the Body of Christ.

To develop and instill Christian character qualities with challenges provided through team membership and competition.

To provide the opportunity to work as a team, to dedicate themselves to the success of others and to personal excellence.

To utilize organized sports as a vehicle for developing important life skills, such as: cooperation, leadership, service, communication, and organization.

To provide an opportunity for young men and women to dedicate and develop their physical talents and gifts for the glory of God.

To provide the opportunity for young men and women to develop athletic skills in a variety of athletic disciplines.

JAHE Lady Patriots (MI) Team Photo


JAHE Lady Patriots (click here for their team profile) back to back to wins against Battle Creek Academy.

JAHE Lady Patriot Volleyball

at the Michigan Homeschool State Volleyball Tournament and had a blas! (FB Post)
also see Volleyball...

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