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profile last updated: 7/22/2017
Sports Offered:
Homeschool BasketballHomeschool FootballHomeschool Flag FootballHomeschool CheerleadingHomeschool Rugby
Contact and Profile Information:

   Jeff Hayes

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Columbus Crusaders Participants at Speed Camp

Columbus Crusaders 2017 Rugby

Columbus Crusaders Saturday night victory
A Saturday night victory over The Linsly School included another defensive shutout and added a fourth #swordgame victory on the season!


Columbus Crusaders Rugby 2016 Division III State Champs

Columbus Crusaders Rugby great match vs Hilliard Bears

see Rugby News...

Columbus Crusaders (OH) Varsity took home the sword in an 18-3 victory over the Middletown Christian Eagles Nominated for "Photo of the Year" (September 2015) - Columbus Crusaders post-game after varsity defeated Grove City 45-0. (photo credit: Ben Sam)

Columbus Crusaders in a 10-0 victory over Noblesville Lions (FB Post, photo courtesy Kirby Hsu)

also see Football...  

Columbus Crusaders

- (from FB Post) Here are some highlights from Week #4 of Crusader Flag Football. What a great group of players, cheerleaders, and coaches! also see "Futures"...

Crusader Rugby team competed very well in their 7's match against Pickerington

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